22 February 2024 Blog

Astro-Palmistry; Discovering Celestial Alignments in your Palm

Via studying volumes of ancient scriptures and by consciously making an active effort to learn, understand and harness both the visible and the invisible facets of the universe; scholars whose learnings and teachings speak to generationally amassed wisdom are often well versed with a wide range of subjects. Well learned individuals in their inclination to pursue planetary associations, celestial attributions and cultural alignments have discovered relevant connections and correlations that imply deep seated roots.

Astrology and palmistry can seem at first glance, to be as far removed from one another as two can be besides of course, being non scientific schools of thought that pertain to one of the many approaches one may choose to take towards discovering the intangible parts of the self and the parts of the universe that are distant. However, most well esteemed astrologers recognise the significance of palmistry and vice versa; a consequence of common roots.

Astro-palmistry as it represents the more recently merged culmination of astrology and palmistry, speaks to the value addition that each approach comes with and further encourages one to see the connection between the lessons one is able to learn from both astrology and palm reading respectively. Even as one may not know or/and know of their value, understanding the bridge between them may reveal the interesting patterns that human realities are made of.

Discover Yourself via Astro-Palmistry

Broadly understood as a term used to illustrate the planetary positions attributed to one’s place and time specifics of birth, astrology allows one to understand oneself via one’s understanding of celestial bodies and palmistry on the other hand, is a reading of one’s physical attributes without any perspective filter; celestial or otherwise. Subsequently, how is one able to discover oneself via astro-palmistry or in other words, via combined analysis of astrology and palmistry?

1. Practicing and Potential Personality Traits

Based on astrological readings, one is able to learn about the personality traits that one is susceptible to be ascribed with and even as astrologically determined characteristics are a result of classification, the degree of relatability there is to the same suggests partial credibility if not the whole. Being the polar extreme to astrology, palm reading determines the physical manifestations of one’s personality traits. While one may overly indulge in one part of oneself or/and refuse to indulge in its worth, being able to locate authentic and instinctive parts of oneself can be hugely significant to understanding the sense of self.

2. Compatibility and Complementarity

Learning about oneself at the intricate level of recognising one’s distinct traits and quirks may be the first step to harnessing one’s compatibilities and thereby, beckoning them to stand the tests of time. While the personality types ascribed via astrology to two individuals may be compatible; it is important to recognize the need for an alignment between both ascribed and achieved traits. Via palm reading, one is able to learn about the parts of oneself that are put to practice.

3. Predictions, Solutions, and Fortune

A genuine astrologer is often laureled for being able to make accurate predictions based on the time and place of one’s birth and the planetary associations the same reveals. While some predictions may not seem problematic, astrological predictions provide one the benefit of foresight. Both astrologers and palm readers offer relevant solutions to resolve any perilous prediction they may foresee. Palm readers as they are popularly dubbed to be called fortune tellers are able to make positive connections that one can count on. Between astrology and palmistry, a sense of balance may be achieved.

Both astrologers and palm readers have long been recognised for their abilities to take one back to the past and transport one into the future with an acute sense of perspective that lends itself to placing an individual in alignment with planetary positions and while the mystical aspects of the field may not interest everyone alike, being able to locate and navigate through one’s personality traits in as much detail as possible helps one see oneself clearly

If you want to discover yourself with the unique patterns made by your personality and palms in the cosmic expanse of planetary movements, you are sure to find your answers at Sri Sai Palmistry.

Aside from reading your palm to give you a practical portrayal of your persona, Pandit Sri Vijarjuna Guruji will guide you through your horoscope reading in its intangibly derived insights being one of the famous astrologers in Btm Layout.

With Guruji’s blessings and insights, discover yourself as a significant part of the cosmic unraveling.