10 April 2024 Blog

Can Astrological Guidance Really Save your Marriage?

It may be safe to say that the increase in India’s divorce rates needs closer and serious examination. While India being a cultural mosaic continues to value the familial intervention where the matters of marriage are concerned to thereby continue to lift a brow in response to the idea of love marriages, neither arranged marriages nor the couples who choose to tie the knot out of love may be spared from differences that have been seeing a spike in talks of separation and divorce. While divorce can be understood as a social marker of chaos in the realm of the familial institution, it is safe to say that both parties involved in a divorce are sure to experience unrest and pain on the occasion of such a circumstance.

Although it may be easy to point a finger at the global influence, the true crux of the gradually declining state of the familial institution may be in the inability to resolve conflicts that only appear in most cases albeit not all of them, a wedge where two individuals seek to live a fulfilling life on their own private terms. The question of compatibility may have now boiled down to the question of patience, support, influence, communication, and far more significantly; the question of one’s ability to overcome the crisis of faith that nobody is exempt to.

Aside from acknowledging and respecting that faith is a very personal facet of one’s life, to have faith can be deeply rooted in being able to believe in one’s circumstances without slipping into a state of mind that encourages one to give up at the first encounter with an obstacle. As sacred, harmonious, and romantic as marriages are pictured to be; every happily married couple will, as they do, reiterate that relationships are as much about responsibly committing to valuing the idea of sharing life in its good, bad, and ugly with endurance and mutual respect.

While it is significant to stand up to a husband or a wife who may be perpetrating violence and unjust means, it is equally significant to recognise that being tolerant of differences of opinions, respecting cultural aspects of one’s lineage, and valuing the blessings of the elders are crucial to forming compatible relationships. Astrological guidance can play a rather important role in aiding with the same and here are some insights on how.

Astrological Insights Help Avoid Messy Divorces

1. Individual Readings of Both Birth Charts:

A scholarly astrologer helps a couple by reading the birth charts of both individuals in any given couple to determine compatibility and while some matches may reveal a natural sense of complementary nature, some couples may have to make efforts to achieve the same. Based on the horoscopic reading of both persons, a well read astrologer is able to suggest remedies and simple adjustments that a couple may be able to choose to save a marriage. Some of the best marriages oftentimes reveal that a ritual performed under the guidance of an astrologer with invaluable wisdom about the planetary alignments that enable a harmonious marriage can go a long way.

2. Partaking Together in Specific Occasions Methodically :

Some days of the week and some festivals have historically proved to be auspicious for couples to participate in and in doing so, the two may be able to experience happiness as a team. With the help of an astrologer's valuable insights, a couple may be able to identify the root of the conflicts between them and further correct the same via carefully chalked out practices that the two can partake in.

3. Making Small Everyday Changes for Positive Energies:

Founded in the ancient sciences of the Indian scriptures, invoking positive energies can be hugely rooted in ensuring that a couple is committed to accommodating a few basic practices such as the direction in which a couple chooses to sleep. Aside from welcoming balance, it is necessary to avoid negativity and an astrologer’s insights can help with the same.

Are you feeling lost in the maze of love troubles or struggling to navigate life's hurdles? Look no further than Arjun Palmistry, best astrologer in BTM Layout your beacon of guidance and support. With unparalleled expertise and a compassionate approach, Arjun offers insights that can illuminate your path forward. Don't let uncertainty overshadow your journey; empower yourself with clarity and direction. Visit one of the genuine astrologers and unlock the transformative difference!